It rains just a little bit, but that doesn’t deter the whacky barred owls or over-the-top coyotes. My day is so short, I hang around for hours in this lovely place eating and reading my book.
No one comes overnight, though I’ve hidden my tent and myself deep in the trees. Then I remember a hiker I met on the Pacific Crest Trail named “Broken Toe” who offered the advice to take lots of zeroes while thru-hiking – meaning take breaks, don’t go so fast. But he also suggested breaking right on trail.
And why not? I could never afford my own home here and, for now anyway, it’s all mine!
The rain cleared out the air and the breeze smells fresh. I, on the other hand, am filthy dirty. I need a break and will have one soon with my friend Kimberly whom I’ve known since we worked at an opera company 30+ years ago.
She has offered to pick me up, but later in the day, so I have time now to leisurely walk towards civilization.
The weird barred owls at camp.

I leave at the absolute last minute to ensure I have time to grab something to eat at River Ranch. It’s an enormous resort with camping, glamping, RVing, hotel suites, restaurants, even a rodeo. I could have camped there, but this is President’s Day weekend and the place is totally sold out.
I am happy in my hammock all alone, the only sound the wind sending leaves off the oaks and hitting the ground with a soft ploof. Oh, and a distant rumble of an airboat on the river.
But all things must come to an end, so I take as many pictures and videos as I can, then pack up and say goodbye.
The walk is easy through the forest, ending up at another campground filled with RV’s. Ah, no.
That’s when I begin to see golf carts. Dozens of golf carts filled with slightly overweight people in short shorts and tanks holding some form of alcoholic beverage. I left late, but not that late!
Most look at me curiously as I plod up the road towards the mayhem and chaos that is River Ranch. Though one couple stops me to ask about the trail, curious to follow my adventures and sincerely interested in finding some good trails to walk.
That’s right before a dad in a golf cart full of kids tries to wedge through oblivious to anyone he might crash into along the way. Welcome back to the real world, Blissful!

I pay no mind and make a goal to find food which I do at the Smokehouse right at the marina. A good place to wash the hands and fuel up before the final four+ miles.
It’s more road walking, but then I cross a rickety stile and am right back on sand road again! NOOOOO! It doesn’t last long before I hit the levee and a skittish group of cows, then head north towards the road and a boat launch where Kimberly meets me – a gorgeous blonde soprano in a dress and heels and me, smelling like, well, the outdoors!
Life is good friends. I am so glad I followed my curious spirit and came here to find our what this place was all about. I only managed to walk a sixth of the trail, but what a feast it was: swamps, hammocks, lake and canal, birds, reptiles, even a panther. I was damp and dirty, bitten all over by mosquitos and suffering a little heat rash, but all in all, I was perfectly fine and had an adventure.
Perhaps, one day, I’ll come back for more!